square E-STORE
$ USD down
  • Planning 1-rm flats area 28.87m2, UM-004-07/0018.
  • Planning 1-rm flats area 28.87m2, UM-004-07/0018.

1-комнатная квартира с европланировкой, 30.87м2

Urban Market, building 4, floor 7 ID: UM-004-07/0018
40 361$ ₴1 668 930

Without decoration

one-room european layout (bedroom + kitchen-living room) Ванная Балкон
44 836$
₴1 853 970
Decorated flat
Move in and live
  • ремонт
  • мебель
  • техника
  • сантехника
  • кондиционер
Flat ID
Number of rooms
30.87 m2
Period First installment, $ Monthly payment, $/m
Super light with decoration Basic-full to 60 mos. from 4 663$₴192 820 from 837$₴34 610/mos.
Interest-free with decoration Basic-full to 48 mos. from 18 114$₴749 020 from 557$₴23 040/mos.
Super light with decoration Basic-light to 60 mos. from 4 663$₴192 820 from 817$₴33 790/mos.
Interest-free with decoration Basic-light to 48 mos. from 18 114$₴749 020 from 431$₴17 830/mos.
Super light without decoration to 60 mos. from 4 663$₴192 820 from 746$₴30 850/mos.
Interest-free without decoration to 48 mos. from 18 114$₴749 020 from 464$₴19 190/mos.

About the flat

UM-004-07/0018 — это квартира в жилом городке Urban Market, расположенная на 7 этаже в доме №4.

В кухне-студии, площадью 15.75 м2, можно не только готовить, но и принимать гостей, устраивать семейные вечера или романтические тет-а-теты.

Площадь санузла — 3.67 м2. Здесь помещается ванна, вся необходимая сантехника и стиральная машина.

Балкон, площадью 2.86 м2 — это ваше пространство под открытым небом. Устройте себе зону для отдыха, чтобы каждый день наслаждаться легкой прохладой даже в жаркий день.


Flat ID
30.87 m2
Number of rooms
Balcony area
2.86 m2
Bathroom area
3.67 m2
Kitchen area
15.75 m2
Room area
8.59 m2

Analogues on other floors

  • Available

  • Booked

  • Not for sale

  • Sold

  • Chosen

Floor location

Urban Market/ Building 4/ 7 floor
Apartment on other floors:

What is included in the decoration

Покупая квартиру в жилом городке ARTVILLE, Вы вселяетесь сразу после сдачи дома, это возможно потому что застройщик осуществляет ремонт ещё на этапе строительства.

В ремонт квартиры от застройщика входит

decorated flats

Flat ID
30.87 m2
Number of rooms


Minimum payment $

Construction progress

Construction progress in February 2023
Construction progress in February 2023
Don't stop and keep building day after day! News from the ARTVILLE construction site: House 15: We continue the repair and facade work, as...

Don't stop and keep building day after day!

News from the ARTVILLE construction site:

House 15: We continue the repair and facade work, as well as the arrangement of the territory.

House 4: We received the materials and continue the glazing.

House 6: We continue to install interior partitions

Doma 21/22: Piling continues

UM-2: The 6th floor horizontal slab and the 7th floor vertical slab were poured with concrete.

UM-3: The interior walls and interior partitions of the 3rd floor were erected.

Just like a year ago, we are working to ensure that everyone who trusts us receives the keys to their own apartment and builds their life here with us. In the town of happy people.❤️

Results 2022
Results 2022
It's time to sum up our work for the year and make plans for the future. Although this year has been very difficult, it has brought us new skills...
It's time to sum up our work for the year and make plans for the future.
Although this year has been very difficult, it has brought us new skills and an understanding that strength lies in unity and support.

3 turn
House #14:
In February and the beginning of March, we completed repairs in the first apartments and started commissioning already in mid-March.
During the year, 90% of the apartments in the house were handed over.

House #15:
Completed communications, rough repairs.
We are finishing the finishing of corridors, stairs and 2 floors have already been completed.
We continue repairs on the next floors.

4 turn
House #4:
We have completed the installation of windows by 60% and continue to work with the roof.
We plan to start working with ventilation.
House #5:
In 2022, the laying of external and internal walls was completed.

House #6:
We completed the monolithic structures of the house and the laying of the outer walls. Now we are laying the interior. Work is already underway on the 3rd floor!

5 turn
House #19:
Since the beginning of the year, we have completed the construction of the pile field, work with the foundation and built two floors of monolithic structures.

House #20:
We completed the construction of the pile field, work with the foundation and built three floors of monolithic structures.

Houses #21-22:
Leader drilling of piles has begun.

Houses above Urban Market
We completed the crushing and testing of piles.

Built 4.5 and 6 floors of monolithic structures.
The laying of the outer and inner walls of the 4th floor was also completed.

We built 5 floors of monolithic structures from 3 to 8.
The laying of the outer walls of the 3rd floor has been completed.

We completed the crushing and testing of piles.

Ход строительства в октябре 2022
Ход строительства в октябре 2022
Октябрьские новости по строительству уже готовы! Делимся информацией о том,...
Октябрьские новости по строительству уже готовы!

Делимся информацией о том, как строился наш городок за последний месяц:

3 очередь
Дом №14:
Готовим к сдаче 1 этаж.

Дом №15:
11 этаж: устанавливаем кондиционеры. Готовим к сдаче.
10-9 этажа: монтируем плинтуса и натяжные потолки. Завершаем ремонты.
8-7 этажа: укладываем ламинат, монтируем потолок в коридорах.
6-3 этажа: укладываем плитку.
2-1 этажа: разводим сантехнику.

4 очередь
Дом №4:
Завершили монтаж окон на 3-4 этажах и 8-12 этажах.
Готовимся к установке оконных конструкций с 5 по 7 этажа.
Начали обустройство кровли.
Готовимся к устройству вентиляции.

Дом №5:
Выполняем кладку внутренних стен на 11 этаже.
Проводим подготовку к устройству кровли.
Проводим замеры для оконных конструкций.

Дом №6:
Завершили кладку стен на 12 этаже.

5 очередь
Дом №19:
Завершили опалубку перекрытия 1 этажа.
Продолжаем армирование.

Дом №20:
Продолжаем опалубку перекрытия 2 этажа.

Дома №21-22:
Готовимся к работе с полем свай.

Дома над Urban Market
Завершаем испытание свай.

Готовимся к перекрытию шестого этажа.

Выполнили бетонирование вертикальных конструкций 8 этажа.
Готовимся к горизонтальному перекрытию.
Завершили кладку наружных стен на третьем этаже.

Продолжаем давить сваи.

Construction progress in May 2023
Construction progress in May 2023
A new piece of news from the construction site of the residential town ARTVILLE. We share the results of the last month and rush to build further....
A new piece of news from the construction site of the residential town ARTVILLE.
We share the results of the last month and rush to build further. Follow the news!

Stages of construction

Commissioning date IV qtr. 2025
Building 4
Pre-project work
Development of project documentation
Preparatory work
Basement construction
Construction of the building frame
Construction of external walls
Construction of internal walls
Windows installation
Roof construction
Facades construction
Black box decoration performing
Arrangement of internal engineering networks
Installation of elevator equipment
Publics fine finishing performing
Flats white box decoration performing
more about construction progress

Construction progress in May 2023


Similar flats in Urban Market

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Commissioning date IV qtr. 2024
Area 33.88 m2
Price 40 000$ ₴1 654 000
Commissioning date IV qtr. 2024
Area 26.62 m2
Price 42 900$ ₴1 773 920
Commissioning date IV qtr. 2024
Area 34.39 m2
Price 43 908$ ₴1 815 600
Commissioning date IV qtr. 2025
Area 32.5 m2

Similar flats in other projects

Price 38 000$ ₴1 571 300
Commissioning date I qtr. 2026
Area 34.84 m2
Price 39 400$ ₴1 629 190
Commissioning date I qtr. 2026
Area 30.48 m2
Price 40 000$ ₴1 654 000
Commissioning date I qtr. 2026
Area 32.79 m2
Price 42 000$ ₴1 736 700
Commissioning date I qtr. 2026
Area 36.66 m2