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Construction progress

Keks construction progress. Quarterly report
Keks construction progress. Quarterly report
Do you know what keeps us warm this cold winter? Movement. Because he is very active on the KEKS construction site. Let's just unload the fittings -...

Do you know what keeps us warm this cold winter? Movement. Because he is very active on the KEKS construction site. Let's just unload the fittings - the concrete has arrived, the grillwork has been poured, and the windows have already arrived, the windows have been accepted (and the quality must be checked!), and here is a new batch of bricks. And so almost every day. But we don't complain, on the contrary, we brag! Because KEKS is under construction. To the anger of the enemies and to the joy of my mother.

Watch the video report from the KEKS construction site: we show how many materials arrive, how we build and which apartments we rent to investors. Also, follow the news on the website and in social networks - we regularly publish reports on the progress of construction and the life of the town. A lot of interesting things await you this year.

Отчет со стройплощадки KEKS: начало марта
Отчет со стройплощадки KEKS: начало марта
Продолжаем строить и публиковать отчеты. Прошедшие две недели мы активно...

Продолжаем строить и публиковать отчеты. Прошедшие две недели мы активно работали в пяти строениях:

  • Дом B – продолжаем утеплять фасад минераловатными плитами. После этого можно класть штукатурку и декоративные материалы.
  • В доме С производим ремонты. На нулевом этаже, где будут ваши кладовые и колясочные, кладем плитку. В квартирах ставим металлопрофили под натяжные потолки.
  • Квартиры дома D почти готовы к поклейке обоев – наносим финишную штукатурку на стены.
  • Плиты перекрытия на четвертом этаже дома 8, о которых мы отчитывались позавчера, уже установлены и залиты бетоном.
  • Продолжаем кладку стен в канализационной станции.

Строим KEKS дальше. Следите за новостями со стройплощадки на сайте и в соцсетях.

Stages of construction

Commissioning date II qtr. 2023
Building 2
Pre-project work
Development of project documentation
Preparatory work
Basement construction
Construction of the building frame
Construction of external walls
Construction of internal walls
Windows installation
Roof construction
Facades construction
Black box decoration performing
Arrangement of internal engineering networks
Installation of elevator equipment
Publics fine finishing performing
Flats white box decoration performing
more about construction progress

Отчет со стройплощадки KEKS: начало марта


House No. 2 has been handed over and occupied - it is one of four in the first phase of construction. It is a comfortable five-story building with individual heating, multi-level security, wide opportunities for recreation, sports and communication.

The house is built of red brick. High-quality and durable material creates all the conditions for a comfortable life. It keeps the temperature well, insulates sound and at the same time provides natural air circulation.

Apartments in this building are sold out at the stage of preliminary sales. But we have free apartments in other KEKS buildings.